Welcome to Hingham Healing Collaborative,
We invite you to enter our beautiful and charming space where you can take a moment for yourself, breathe and relax. HHC offers everything you need to escape your daily hustle and hit reset on your mind and body in a bright, uplifting and cozy atmosphere. Our goal is to shift the idea of self-care being an occasional treat; an indulgence seeked out to lessen our stress when we find ourselves at a 10/10, to regular wellness maintenance that unlocks our ability to move about our individual worlds with less stress, anxiety, and self-deprivation. We are a one stop destination where you can find several holistic practitioners, classes, art, wellness and so much more.
Co-owners Cassandra Milone and Beth Finn have been close friends for over 12 years. Cassandra has been a licensed massage therapist since 2006 as well as a Jikiden Reiki and sound healing practitioner. She also is a breast cancer survivor and vocalist of a cover band in the Boston area. Beth has been a licensed massage therapist since 2010, is a cupping practitioner and a mom of four boys. She is a dedicated caretaker to her son Declan, who is a 2-time childhood brain cancer survivor. Their unwavering confidence in the power of holistic healing is rooted in their experiences with cancer treatment.
Together our goal is to create a space that brings together the community and helps other small businesses thrive. We encourage you to arrive early for your appointment or stay for a bit after to enjoy the beautiful space that we have created. Enjoy the art of local artisans, make a cup of tea, and relax on the couch in front of our fireplace with (or without!) a book or magazine. We want you to stay a while and feel right at home.
Cassandra & Beth